Hey! Has it been more than 25 days or 6 months or a year that you are facing early discharge commonly known as early ejaculation of semen?
Or is it more than a year that you are struggling to last longer in bed?
Hold On! It’s time to note that you are suffering from Premature Ejaculation.
Early Discharge of semen is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions among men, affecting millions worldwide. Known as Premature ejaculation (PE), it occurs when a man ejaculates sooner during sexual intercourse than he or his partner would like.
A very common question asked by males – “How to last Longer in Bed” arises when the time of intercourse reduces.
As a team of specialists what we find is, Men often complain that – “earlier it was 2 to minutes I would last but now it has reduced to – 5 minutes, 1 minute or even reduced to seconds!”
With this there are always associated problems like weak erection or Erectile Dysfunction, lack of desire, watery semen, discoloration of semen, or Premature Ejaculation or early discharge of semen alone.
So Let Us understand What is Premature Ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation (PE) is a prevalent sexual issue where a man ejaculates before or soon after penetration, often sooner than desired by either partner. This condition can lead to frustration and reduced satisfaction for both individuals involved, affecting the overall enjoyment of sexual activity.
Now if you know that you are likely suffering Premature Ejaculation it’s important to know Why is it even there?
Let us understand What is the cause of Premature Ejaculation..
CAUTION – Only Read Further if you want to break the myths you were told before.
you must have visited many sites over the internet before saying “the exact cause of Premature Ejaculation, PE is not fully understood, but it’s believed to be a complex interplay of psychological, biological, and environmental factors.”
But believe us you are going to be astonished why this Premature Ejaculation occurs with you.
Ayurveda’s rigorous study on Vajikaran Chikitsa had mentioned this issue far more years back than you could even think of. The Aphrodisiac treatment protocols provide that there are various reasons based on PLACE, TIME, ZONE, SEASON, BODY CONSTITUTION and DIET play a crucial role in determining sexual stamina of man. Ayurveda layed a great importance on maintaining sexual stamina in man so as to find a great successful life and beautiful relationship with yourself and your wife and your family.
You must have noticed when you are not performing well you are continuously occupied with fear, stress, relationship issues, depression, anxiety and many psychological impacts you are already facing.
From searching on the internet about
What Fruits can help last longer in bed? OR Vegetables that can help treat early ejaculation OR Which exercise is best for lasting long in bed? OR Does Viagra stop you from coming early? OR Ayurvedic medicine for Premature ejaculation? OR Best Lidocaine spray for PME
And the list is long……
But dear man! Stop and try to bring yourself to the right direction.
Early ejaculation is a symptom of other health issues your body is processing. According to Ayurveda Sexual stamina and Semen are OJAS – The purest and highest form of energy in the body and determines how much of a man you are. It determines your overall internal health. Your overall internal wellbeing.
Energy and Vital Force (Ojas): Ayurveda considers Ojas, the vital energy that maintains overall health and vitality, as crucial for sexual function. A depletion or imbalance in Ojas due to stress, poor diet, or illness can lead to reduced sexual endurance and premature ejaculation.
Imbalance of Doshas: Ayurveda posits that PE can result from an imbalance in the Vata Dosha, which governs movement and nervous system function. An excess of Vata can lead to overstimulation and heightened sensitivity, causing premature ejaculation. Pitta imbalances, related to heat and intensity, might also contribute by increasing the speed of physiological responses.
Further Poor diet and irregular lifestyle can aggravate the Dosha, leading to a state of imbalance that impacts sexual performance. Overconsumption of stimulants, lack of sleep, and sedentary habits can all contribute to this issue.
Based on your body constitution and living factors there could be various reasons you are already suffering from that are just simply ignored. It is better to know about your issues that are really affecting your sexual stamina?
The reason could range from weak Liver health to Weak mental Health.
Mental and Emotional Factors: Ayurveda recognizes the profound connection between mental states and physical health. Stress, anxiety, and emotional turbulence are believed to disturb the mind-body equilibrium, affecting sexual function. The Ayurvedic perspective emphasizes the role of mental calmness and emotional stability in maintaining sexual health. Sometimes emotional and psychological causes include performance anxiety. It could be due to nervousness, anxiousness, lack of confidence, over excitement, stress stimulation by partners etc. another factor which can contribute is genetic factor where Some research suggests that PE may run in families, indicating a possible genetic component.
DO NOT HESITATE DEAR MAN! The issue is really important to be understood and treated to ensure your overall wellbeing and this is only possible by connecting with a right person, a right Vaidya who can understand your body deeper and provide you with a realistic solution your body needs.
अत्यधिक शीघ्र स्खलन (PE) से निपटना एक जटिल प्रक्रिया हो सकती है, और इस स्थिति के शारीरिक और भावनात्मक दोनों पहलुओं को संबोधित करना महत्वपूर्ण है। यहां कुछ अतिरिक्त अंतर्दृष्टि और रणनीतियाँ दी गई हैं जो इस चुनौती का सामना करने में आपकी मदद कर सकती हैं: शीघ्र स्खलन को समझना शीघ्र स्खलन एक सामान्य…
#Because Male Things Matter Coping with Premature Ejaculation (PE) can be a multifaceted journey, and it’s important to address both the physical and emotional aspects of this condition. Here are some additional insights and strategies that might help you navigate this challenge: ### Understanding Premature Ejaculation Premature Ejaculation is a common issue that many men…
समझने का समय आ गया है कि आप बिस्तर में लंबे समय तक क्यों नहीं टिकते नमस्ते! क्या आपको 25 दिन, 6 महीने या एक साल से पहले स्खलन की समस्या का सामना करना पड़ रहा है? या क्या आपको एक साल से अधिक समय से बिस्तर में अधिक समय तक टिकने में कठिनाई हो…